Bill Pollock
Bill started working with trees when he was 9 (he likes white oaks) and loves it because, as he says, it’s loud, legal, and puts food on the table! The best piece of equipment is a good groundman, but he’d also be lost without Onstar. Best view? Overlooking Long Island Sound from the top of a hundred-foot oak. He wishes someone would invent a robot dog to climb trees and help retrieve cats safely. He’s a big fan of lamb chops, coffee, and the Bible, and uses his spare time to split wood, canoe, and go running.

Joslyn Pollock
Joslyn says someone should have warned her to fasten her seatbelt when she started on this journey with Bill! With management skills honed while working for her brothers business, but no prior treecare knowledge, she jumped in with both feet to start Arbor Services with Bill. Her favorite tree is a Kousa Dogwood and the best piece of equipment is her computer with four screens. A good day is when both cats and the dog come in the office and provide a distraction from paperwork. She enjoys working with each employee and observing how their individual talents make a collectively awesome and safe team of arborist and plant health care professionals. Her favorite drink is coffee and if she could change one thing in the world it would be to encourage us all to be kinder in our approach towards our fellow man.

Stephen Banffy
Stephen’s favorite part of tree care is the prime view of New England’s 4 seasons. He likes red oaks as long as they don’t have raccoons in them, and says the best view is from the top of the tree you’re in. As a Certified Tree Safety Professional (CTSP) and company safety director, a good day for him is when everyone works safely. Ideal invention? A boat with chipper and chip box, to save carrying brush up the stairs when working on the water. His go-to cocktail is Grey Goose® & NOS – a “Nitro Goose”, which he pairs with Chicken Paprikash. In his spare time, he loves to golf, play and coach hockey, and hang at home with his family.
William C. Brague IV
William, or as we call him, Bill, enjoys working outside and caring for trees (white oaks are his favorite) – he works on the tree crew and is also a CT-NOFA certified organic land-care professional. A John Deere® tractor and a Toro Dingo® make his life a lot easier, and a good day on the job is when everyone works together and he gets to learn something new. The best view, according to him, is overlooking Candlewood Lake from the bucket truck, and in his spare time, he likes salt water fishing, Vitamin Water®, and a good rib-eye.

Rich Carn
Rich got into treework because a friend of his liked to climb, which sparked his interest! Since becoming a treecare professional, the most interesting thing he’s learned is how to prune fruit trees. Scariest moment has to be crane jobs during stormy weather, and the best part is that he gets to be with motivated coworkers. When he’s not working, he likes to ride his Harley®. His favorite view is any tree overlooking a lake, and his favorite tree is the sugar maple. Preferred food and drink is pizza, and Jameson® and ginger ale. He’s looking forward to us having our own log truck!
Ethan Cook
Ethan first became interested in treework in high school, due to his natural resources and one of his teachers at Wamogo! In junior year, he tried competitive tree climbing at the TCIA Expo, and was hooked. He’s enjoying the camaraderie of working with a seasoned crew, his favorite piece of equipment (besides common sense and knowledge) is a Husqvarna® chainsaw, and in his opinion the best view from a tree is overlooking a lake. His favorite foods are hot wings and sushi, favorite beverage is Arizona® iced tea, and favorite tree is the Ginkgo Biloba. When he’s not working, he enjoys snowboarding or quadding, and his advice to you is: don’t go into a career you don’t like!

Harvey Gereg
Harvey grew up in South Kent CT and worked in landscaping for over 20 years, he has always enjoyed hands on work.
He believes working with a great team helps to make a great company. Striving towards goals and keeping a positive attitude helps to succeed in life! Work hard, love & laugh often!
Some of Harvey’s passions in life include his dogs, his wife Shannon, and training others in lumberjack sports. For many years, Harvey has enjoyed helping to grow Timber Teams in CT, and teaches others how to throw an axe, crosscut saw, and run a chainsaw safely.
Harvey loves big trucks, equipment to get the job done efficiently, and Connecticut Antique Machinery.
Al Krivickas Sr.
Al got into treecare at age 18, looking for a job to carry him through the winter. 30+ years later and he’s still in the industry! He is enthusiastic about safety, learning, and teaching others, and enjoys that every day brings new and different challenges: it’s never boring. When he’s not working, he enjoys fishing, farming, and hanging out at home. His favorite piece of equipment is a Chevrolet® truck, or a 4×4 tractor, and you can’t beat a hamburger and Coke®. His favorite tree is a weeping copper beech, and the best view for him is NYC from the trees in Central Park.

George Lamont
George loves tree care because it’s a profession that pays you to keep yourself in shape! Learning from others and working in a challenging, fast-paced environment means that you never have a dull moment. His favorite tree is a sugar maple, and he prefers Mexican food and PBR. He doesn’t want to work without a fast, sharp chainsaw, and he prizes his climbing harness and a mini skidsteer. The feeling you get being lowered into a 100′ tree with a great view, or stepping back and seeing how much improved a tree is after you work on it, can’t be beat. In his spare time, he likes to ride motorcycles or bikes or play guitar. His ideal work vehicle would be a truck that could fit EVERYTHING.
Dan McCallum
Dan has been in the tree care industry for over half his life. He enjoys that every day brings a new challenge. Although some jobs may be difficult, there is great satisfaction when they are completed. It’s alway nice when our work work makes a positive impact on the trees and people. At home Dan likes to spend time with his two boys, riding bikes or skateboards, fishing, or maybe taking his wife on a motorcycle date.

Steve Nicholas
Steve grew up in the area and owned his own lawn and landscaping company before making the transition to plant health care. He is having fun working as part of the team, and likes to spend his spare time with his family.
Eric Tobey
Eric comes to us from Vermont, where his interest in trees began at a very young age and grew while attending the technical center in his High School. His most memorable experiences in tree care so far include a spectator in Boston Public Gardens, approaching wildly and yelling that he was hurting and damaging trees by removing dead wood. Other memorable moments include his first crane removal: making the cut and seeing all that weight hanging in the air. He enjoys how trees provide so much for us by aesthetics, natural cooling, wildlife habitat and landscape needs. His best view from a tree is seeing the mountain ranges and when he worked in Boston area, seeing the city from afar. His favorite tree is the Sugar maple, and he considers the Dingo™ as the most valuable piece of equipment. His favorite piece of equipment is his climbing harness. He enjoys the excitement of working as part of a team, and is pleasantly surprised at how much the team can accomplish. When he’s not working his favorite food is cheeseburgers, and his favorite drink is milk. He enjoys spending time with his family, hiking, kayaking, snowshoeing and working on his truck. On his way to work he thinks about what challenges may lay ahead for the day. If he could change anything in the world, it would be that we treat each other with more kindness and plant more trees. He recently earned CTSP (Certified Tree Safety Professional) and QCL (Qualified Crew Leader) certifications through the Tree Care Industry Association.